Take Flight: Drone Instruction Workshop


Using drones, learn how to build awareness around STEM occupations.  Drones can be an excellent vehicle to disrupt the narrative on careers in STEM and encouraging the breaking of stereotypes and reshaping of identity. Participants actively engage in activities designed to build student excitement, interest, and inclusion through coding of indoor drones. Supported by a National Science Foundation grant, the curriculum was designed to engage girls at the middle school level with a variety of methods, but is relevant for engaging all students in STEM, especially those who are underrepresented. Local partners who use drones in their natural science careers will also present.  Participants receive access to a classroom set of codable drones, a six module curriculum and a stipend is available for educators from the OCSH region.

When and Where: March 7th: Tillamook County, March 8th: Coos County

Complete Interest Form Here

Questions: Email Oregon Coast STEM HUB Coordinator

Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by February 21st to Oregon Coast STEM Hub Coordinator

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