Applications are now open for the 2025 EARTH educator workshop, which will be held July 28 to August 1, 2025 in Newport, Oregon, right after the NAME 2025 Conference! Don't miss this chance to extend your stay in Newport and participate in this amazing professional development opportunity. All application materials should be completed and submitted by March 7, 2025. Workshop information, lessons, and application procedures can be found on the EARTH website. All travel expenses for this workshop will be covered and participants who complete this workshop will receive a generous stipend.
The workshop will be hosted by MBARI and Oregon Sea Grant and Oregon State University with additional funding provided by the US National Science Foundation via the Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) program, which is leading the design and construction of the newest ocean-going research vessels.
Research vessels – ships serving as floating laboratories for ocean-going scientists – are vital tools for observing and understanding this critical ecosystem. During this workshop, educators will work with active researchers to explore current science and research projects that demonstrate the use of data collected by ships, floats, gliders, buoys, and other marine technologies, as well as topics that relate to ocean and climate sciences. The educators are given time to develop their own curricula using the knowledge from these explorations and their own experiences to create classroom lessons tied to the abilities of their own students as well as current education standards and pedagogy. The teachers also develop connections with each other and with the researchers that can assist them in expanding their classroom reach across the country.