Introduction to Building Underwater Robots Educator Workshop


Who: 6th-12th grade teachers and informal educators


What: Take a deep dive into underwater robotics in this free 7-hour introductory workshop.  Participants will learn about marine technology, associated careers, and the annual MATE ROV Competition. Gain hands-on experience building a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) with students and learn how to prepare for the regional competition which will be held on May 10th in Newport, Oregon. Tour the Hatfield Marine Science Center Innovation Lab and the Visitor Center, connect with marine engineers, educators, and competition specialists to gain insight into creating an enthusiastic and engaged ROV team. All participants will take home their own Pufferfish ROV kit.


When:  Saturday, December 14, 2024


            Hatfield Marine Science Center- Marine Studies Building

            2030 SE Marine Science Drive

            Newport, OR 97365


Why: Each year, 6th grade through college aged students around the world compete in regional challenges with underwater robots they have designed and constructed. This year, the MATE ROV Oregon Regional competition will take place in Newport on May 10, 2025. The Oregon Regional includes three competition classes (levels) that range from beginner to advanced - SCOUT, NAVIGATOR, and RANGER, and the top RANGER team is eligible to compete at the World MATE ROV competition in Michigan in June.


Additional Details: Workshop participants will receive a $150 stipend, breakfast, lunch and an ROV kit. This workshop is sponsored by Oregon Sea Grant, OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center, and the National Science Foundation through the Regional Class Research Vessel Program.


Register Here


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Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by December 1st to Tracy Crews, 541-867-0329


Questions? Contact Oregon Coast STEM Hub Office.